Other characters that play a prominent role in the latter half of the season include General Krantz and Scofield's mother, Christina. He's a bit of a jack, and rubs everyone the wrong way.Without giving much away, he ends up playing a pivotal role in one of the best, least expected and most clever swerves we've seen in the entire run of the series.It's one of those fantastic television moments that turns everything on its head, and unfortunately, it's so good of a twist that the rest of the season pales in comparison.There's plenty of motivation to keep watching though.

Self is the agent who gets this group together and puts them to task to get a hold of Scylla.

While you could argue that not everyone who deserved to die got what was coming to them there were some characters who seemed to outlive their welcome by the end.In addition to the storyline change, we're also introduced to a new regular character this season – Agent Don Self.
Prison break season 4 cast series#
Some noble sacrifices, some characters met the fates they deserved, and some deaths were more perplexing – especially those at the very beginning of the season.Towards the end, when it was clear that the series was ending, there were even more character deaths. There were some significant casualties along the way. Self supplied the team with intelligence and it was up to Scofield to get this rag-tag band of former inmates to work together. With the beginning of every one of its four seasons, Prison Break metamorphosed itself into something completely new and unexpectedWith the breathtaking escape from Sona from season three, the writers wisely chose to transform the prison drama into a straightforward action series with a singular focus: to capture the Company's most critical cog - Scylla.The former inmates are forced to work together as a team to get their hands on Scylla, under the supervision of a Homeland Security agent named Don Self. The final season of Prison Break brought about another complete change of direction for the series.There are no prisons to break out of, and nobody to run from – the Fox River and Sona escapees instead focus their efforts in bringing down the Company by retrieving a device known as Scylla. As creator Paul Scheuring’s PRISON BREAK comes to a close, will all the pieces of this intricate puzzle finally come together? And, perhaps more importantly, will everyone make it to the end intact? Breakout stars Purcell (PRIMEVAL) and Miller (UNDERWORLD) electrify all 24 episodes of this super-charged finale. There in Chicago, a Department of Homeland Security agent (Michael Rapaport) coerces the crew into joining a movement to take down the corrupt and far-reaching secret government syndicate known only as the Company. Meanwhile, Lincoln (Dominic Purcell) also makes his way back to the Windy City when he, Sucre, Mahone, and Belick are transferred there from Sona, the recently reduced-to-ashes Panamanian prison facility. It doesn’t take long, however, for several revelations to put Michael on a different path-a trip back to Chicago for an attempted reunion. Sara Tancredi’s apparent beheading, Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) sets out on a mission to avenge the death of his loved one.